West Virginia Directors of Senior and Community Services

Our Role

The role of the West Virginia Directors of Senior and Community Services association continues to change to best serve the ever-changing needs of our membership. Initially, non-profit senior service agencies were founded to administer senior services and programs under the Older Americans Act, but soon realized the need for providing additional services throughout their communities. Over the years, due to legislative advocacy by the association, they have been able to expand their services to include several valuable federal and state supported programs, as well as many exciting local initiatives.

Our Mission

Championing for non-profit senior service provider agencies to thrive and survive by utilizing vast membership knowledge, experience, and legislative advocacy.

Our Goals & Objectives

The goals of West Virginia Directors of Senior and Community Services are to promote and to assist in the establishment of programs and services, where funding sources permit, for senior centers, care of disabled persons over the age of eighteen (18) years, persons sixty (60) years of age or over, and other programs and services for citizens of the State of West Virginia.

The objectives of West Virginia Directors of Senior and Community Services are to form a legal entity representative of non-profit agencies having a common interest in the accomplishments of the stated objectives of Association:

  1. To eliminate duplication of effort and assist in the correlation of all activities.
  2. To educate the public with regard to the problems and concerns of seniors across the state of West Virginia.
  3. To unify seniors into an organization dedicated to working for a common goal of promoting life, health, honor, and dignity for the aging population of the state of West Virginia.
  4. To serve as advocates for those we serve as deemed necessary in regard to funding, public policy, and governmental programs and regulations.

To learn more about senior programs and services in your county, please contact your local agency service provider.